"I cannot overemphasize the importance of family in the care and progress of children who are hospitalized. No nurse, doctor or therapist, no matter how skilled, can comfort a child as well as a parent can. When Ryan was in ICU, Scott and Karie were at Ryan's bedside day and night, stroking him, holding him, talking to him. You could see how he'd calm in their presence." Gina Baffa, MD, Pediatric Cardiology, The Nemours Cardiac Center, A.I. duPont Hospital for Children

"The Ryan Scott Kappes foundation has provided needed assistance to families of critically ill children so they can remain together during extended hospitalizations. I am proud to support the vital work of this foundation and honored to call the Kappes family friends." Congressman Mike Rogers, MI (08)

"The Ryan Scott Kappes Foundation has truly made a difference in the lives of many of our most in need families. When other foundations are unable to help or don't have resources available, RSK Foundation is there. They make it possible for families to spend as much time with their children as possible, and that makes all the difference for a parent of a critically ill child" Kristen Caminiti, Clinical Social Worker, Children's National Medical Center

"Already twice since its inception, the RSK Foundation has been instrumental in helping families that are close to me. The foundation's hard work and dedication are blessings to so many." Rick Hundley, Bethany Beach, DE

"We received a check and letter from you today. I cannot tell you how happy it made me. Our social worker at CHKD told us briefly about your grants; what a wondeful thing you are doing. The money helps us more than I can say....I cannot express how good it is to know that someone we don't know and  has suffered the same joy and pain can help us. As Christopher does each day of his recovery, you amaze me.

"Just wanted to say thank you again for your generosity. My family received a grant when our son was in Dupont. We had a very long road for his initial hospitalization, but after 10 weeks and 5 days Aidan finally came home....Our life is a roller coaster I could have never imagined, but I can't imagine our life without baby Aidan. He brings a smile to all of us every day, even his sister who turned 2 today. They are together every minute of every day unless Aidan is in the hospital. When he isn't home, she cries for her baby "Aindan". Someday she will learn to say his name correctly...Thank you for finding a way to help other parents and seriously ill children. I don't know how you move on after what you went through, but I think it takes incredible strength to go from a state where you probably didn't want to wake up each morning to doing all this great work in your son's name."


To make donations or for more information on the Ryan Scott Kappes Foundation
please Contact us at: P.O. BOX 30647 - Wilmington, DE, 19805
Email address: helpingfamilies@rskfoundation.org